Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a 600+ bed hotel for Zedwell in London.
Acoustic consultancy services to support RIBA design stage 4 acoustic design of the David Hockney building at Bradford College.
Acoustic Design for Education
The project proposals were for the refurbishment and repurposing of teaching areas within the David Hockney Building in Bradford.
We’ve had the pleasure of working with Sewell Group on multiple projects over the years and were glad to be able to assist in helping the project through RIBA Stages 4. We provided detailed guidance to ensure the development complied with Building Bulletin 93 (BB93), which sets our performance standards, acoustic criteria, acoustic principles and good acoustic design for schools.
Our acoustic design services provided effective and value engineered solutions to sound insulation, reverberation control and external noise ingress.
Recent Projects
Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a Capsule Hotel in London.
Acoustic design of the Open University’s Multimedia Studio and Office Refurbishment.