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NOVA Acoustics



250 No. Dwellings at Coppice Heights - Groundborne vibration monitoring to protect against damage to infrastructure.

Vibration Monitoring during Construction


Project Title: Groundborne Vibration Monitoring to protect Infrastructure

Project Brief: Bellway Homes reached out in need of assistance with groundborne vibration monitoring during piling activities. They wanted to ensure that infrastructure in the local area was not damaged due to excessive vibration – which is where we come in! We undertook vibration monitoring at the most sensitive locations whilst the piling was taking place to ensure the limit outlined by Severn Trent Water was not exceeded. Our vibration monitoring system provided real time alerts to key individuals if levels started approaching the limits, ensuring that action could be taken before any limits were exceeded. This approach was vital in making sure there was no damage to the surrounding infrastructure. We had easy remote access to the measured data and we were able to promptly provide a summary report outlining the measured levels, including compliance with the criteria.

Our expert team of acoustic consultants is here to support your project through the construction phase. Our environmental monitoring services can support you with noise, vibration and dust monitoring ensuring you remain compliant with local planning policy. 
Contact our team of acoustic consultants for support with your next project.   
Bellway 2

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