Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a 600+ bed hotel for Zedwell in London.

Noise Mapping & Modelling
Noise Mapping and Modelling is an extremely powerful tool to evaluate and emulate various noise environments and enables the visualisation of sound propagation in a given environment.
NOVA Acoustics Ltd uses SoundPlan for environmental noise modeling which is a world leading software in 3D acoustics modeling.
Noise modeling can be used for any scenario, but is typically applied to complex environments with multiple sources of noise and multiple reflective surfaces.
The most vital aspect of noise modelling is having accurate input data as such we typically conduct an detailed noise survey of a site to assist in emulating the acoustic environment within the noise modelling software.

Recent Projects
Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a Capsule Hotel in London.
Acoustic design of the Open University’s Multimedia Studio and Office Refurbishment.
Who we work with