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A critical analysis and evaluation of the impact of the changes from BS4142:1997’s to BS4142:2014
- February 11, 2019
The Significance of Environmental Noise Monitoring
Construction Noise: A Common Source of Environmental Noise Pollution
1.0 Introduction
The British Standard BS4142 is widely applied to the analysis of industrial noise by acoustic consultants and environmental health departments. In October 2014 the British Standard BS4142:1997 – Method for Rating industrial noise affecting mixed residential and industrial areas, was superseded by the release of BS4142:2014 – Methods for rating and industrial and commercial sound. The alterations has been derived from the application of the previous standard and accumulated experience. An extensive review was undertaken, involving industry professionals, the result being the refined BS4142:2014.
The implication of societal changes over the last 50 years have led to a requirement for the control of environmental noise from industrial noise sources and the requirement for an analysis method and criteria of suitability that is applicable to improving the amenity of receptors and reducing the potential of adverse health within the community due to noise. The issue of industrial noise and the requirement for mitigation was surmised by Terrence K Wilson;
“As standards of living improve, the population of a country becomes aware of inconveniences and damage caused by the side-effects of industrial activity. That is not to say that the problems necessarily become any worse – although increasing mechanisation of industry may cause additional difficulties – but that the population’s perception of these effects changes. At some stage in its industrial development, a country will allocate monetary resources towards the alleviation of the side-effects of the processes by which it gained its wealth. Noise is an insidious by-product of almost all industrial developments”. (Terence, K. W. 1981)
The presentation of this issue has seen the development of an industrial noise standard used to analyse the potential impact of industrial noise on residential and mixed industrial areas. The method of analysis and results are based upon what is deemed to be an acceptable criteria for noise impacting on amenity and upon on health. However, the requirements of a constantly evolving society alter and by default the methods and acceptability will evolve with time. Current research shows that there is sufficient scientific evidence that exposure to noise can lead to adverse health effects, which is defined by the World Health Organisation;
“an adverse effect of noise is defined as a change in the morphology and physiology of an organism that results in impairment of functional capacity, or an impairment of capacity to compensate for additional stress, or increases the susceptibility of an organism to the harmful effects of other environmental influences” (WHO 1999)
Evidence has also been presented by DEFRA on the changes in attitudes towards noise, based on two research studies carried out in 1990 and 2000. These involved a study into the exposure of the population to noise and found that 55% of the population were exposed to daytime noise levels above the WHO Guideline values of 55dB and 68% were exposed to night noise levels above the night noise WHO Guideline values of 45dB. (DEFRA 2008)
The effect that noise has on health and annoyance has been analysed across multiple countries with the aim to categorise human response to different types of noise. The aim of these studies is to present a suitable analysis and noise criteria for assessments. However industrial noise has had significantly less research, as the character of the source is very diverse. In 2002, Dr Miedema produced a Journal for the Acoustical Society of America. He reviews the existence of dose response curves for transportation noise and states the following in relation to industrial noise;
”Such relationships have not been established for industrial noise, presumably because this noise is less widespread than transportation noise and because industrial noise is heterogeneous due to the different types of industrial activities that cause noise. Nonetheless, locally industrial noise causes considerable annoyance, and having relationships for these sources that predict the noise annoyance on the basis of the exposure would help in dealing with this noise.” (DEFRA 2004)
This is clarified by the following statement in BS4142:1997;
“The user is reminded that this standard is not based on substantive research but rather on accumulated experience.” (BSI 1997)
These comment highlights the complexity of industrial noise and thus the baseline for an acceptable criteria in the evaluation of an industrial noise source, due to the lack of substantive research. When considering the potential impact on health and amenity, the increase in the percentage of the population being exposed to noise, in conjunction with the lack of research on the impact of different industrial noise sources upon people and the associated acceptable criteria for impact. This outlines the requirement not only for a detailed analysis method which is applicable to multiple scenarios and that minimises uncertainty in its application but a method that provides accuracy taking consideration for the context of the investigation. This report aims to outline how the changes to BS4142:2014 have altered the outcome of the assessments.
1.1 Aim
Critically evaluate the variation and the subsequent effect on rating level between BS4142:2014 and BS4142:1997.
1.2 Objectives
The purpose of this report is to:
Provide a critical review and analysis of the comparisons between the 1997 and 2014 editions of the standard.
Evaluate and discuss the significance of the variations and the effect on the outcome of the assessment between the 1997 and 2014 editions. Where applicable undertake assessments to highlight the difference.
1.3 History of BS4142
The inception of BS4142 was in the form of an appendix to the Wilson Report 1963. The Wilson Report was the first major examination into the extent of noise problems and potential mitigation within the UK. The government appointed Sir Alan Wilson as chair of the committee to ‘Examine the nature, sources and effects of the problem of noise and to advise what further measures can be taken to mitigate it’ (HMSO 1963). The Wilson committee, carried out a substantial investigations of various aspects of noise, including transport, industrial, constructional and entertainment. From which the Wilson Report was published, this report was held in high regard and had a lasting impact on the assessment of environmental noise. Appendix XV of the report presented a ‘Simplified procedure for assessing reaction to industrial noise in mixed residential and industrial areas’, the document describes that;
“It is a quantitative guide to whether an existing industrial noise is likely to cause complaint from those people, having a normal reaction to noise, who live nearby and also to give an indication of the probable limiting level of noise from a proposed factory without likelihood of complaint” (HMSO 1963).
The Wilson Report provided the baseline for the release of the first BS4142 standard in 1967, BS4142:1967 – Method of Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas. The 1967 edition of the standard required measurements made using a meter set to A-weighting and a slow time response, it included corrections for tonal character, impulsive character and a correction for intermittency and duration. There follows a brief description of the measurement of ‘background’ and ‘ambient’ noise levels and how to establish an alternative to this measurement using basic and corrected criteria. Situations are derived from the increase in noise levels as to whether complaints are to be expected and where complaints are not to be expected. The criterion presented was of 50dB(A) with adjustments for type of installation, type of area, time of day and season (BSI 1967). The 1967 version was amended in 1975, 1980 and 1982, then being revised in 1990 to align it with ISO1996: Parts 1 – 3. BS4142:1990 was superseded by BS4142:1997, the 1967 and 1997 standards aligned in the determination of a background noise level based upon the L90, the noise criteria and correction for tonal features. However, the 1967 edition provides an indication of expectation for levels of background noise in different land use types, against which the industrial noise in question can be compared. The 1997 edition presents measured background noise level as the only basis for comparison. This evolution has led us to the release of BS4142:2014 which has had a significant and comprehensive revision.
1.4 Formation of BS4142:2014
The British Standards Institute (BSI) reviews and re-drafts standards every 15 years. In 2012 the 15 year mark had been reached for the 1997 edition of BS4142. At this point the committee (EH/1/3) carried out a review of the documentation and decided a substantial revision was required. This process involved the creation of a drafting panel, which was represented by The Association of Noise Consultants (ANC), The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), The Environmental Agency (EA) and The Institute of Acoustics (IOA). The re-drafting sought the views and guidance of users, to establish a structure and scope for the re-write. The draft standard was then prepared for public consultation on October 2013, during this time 943 comments were collated. The magnitude of the response to the re-drafting required an expansion of the drafting panel, which resulted in the publication of BS4142:2014 in October 2014.
2.0 Methodology
The objective of this study is to critically review and evaluate the amendments to the new edition of BS4142, with the aim of comparing and contrasting the impact of the amendments to the rating of industrial sound. The process will involve two stages:
Critically review and analyse the variations between the 1997 and 2014 editions.
The standard will be compared and contrasted section by section to allow the key changes to be identified and analysed.
Evaluate and discuss the significance of the variations and the effect on the outcome of the assessment between the 1997 and 2014 editions. Where applicable undertake assessments to highlight the difference.
The second stage of this study will undertake comparative assessments, this may not be appropriate for all variations outlined. It is important to understand the potential impact of each separate alteration, which will subsequently allow the cumulative impact of the changes to be discussed. Therefore real examples and hypothetical examples are provided outlining the potential impact of each variation individually. This section of the study will utilise projects undertaken by the author within the last year, to provide primary data for the assessment. The number of comparisons is restricted due to the significant variation in the type of assessment and method of applying the standard. The following case studies are used within the analysis:
Case Study 1:
This assessment was analysing the change of use of a commercial unit, with the introduction of 4 refrigeration units that would be in operation 24 hours a day at the rear of the property. The commercial units had dwelling flats above and thus concern had arisen over the impact on amenity of the occupants of the flats. Background sound levels were monitored during a 24 hour period at the noise sensitive receptor (NSR), the night time period is highlighted within this example. The background sound level was monitored in 5 minute samples at the NSR’s window.
Case Study 2:
This predictive assessment was analysing a proposed warehouse and production line facility, operating during daytime hours. The analysis of operations and potential noise sources showed that the only external noise source was the delivery yard, which would be receiving and sending goods, with 4 – 5 deliveries/collections per hour during the day. The Local Authority requested a BS4142 noise survey in support of the planning application, as the site was located in close proximity to residential dwellings. A background noise survey was undertaken to outline the noise profile of the area without the unit in operation and the specific noise level was calculated at the receiver.
Case Study 3:
This assessment was analysing the impact of a large extraction duct installed at the rear of a new fast food outlet. The ducting was located on the rear of the commercial building and the ducting terminates at the 4 the fourth floor. The route of the ducting passes close by windows for the residential units on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor. Complaints have arisen from the use of the extraction system and the local authority requested a BS4142 assessment to provide appropriate mitigation to reduce the noise emissions to a satisfactory level.
3.0 Summary of key changes to BS4142:2014
Clarification is provided on the classification of sound of an industrial or commercial nature.
Clarification of how the standard is applicable to determination of sound levels at outdoor locations. Including the new application of assessing sound at proposed new dwellings or premises used for residential purposes.
Clarification of sound of an industrial and/or commercial nature that is not covered within the scope of the standard.
Clarification that the standard is not applicable to low frequency noise.
Terms and Definitions
The introduction of the term ‘sound’ instead of ‘noise’.
This section is new to the 2014 edition and reviews the requirement for the assessor to gain an appropriate understanding of the context of the situation.
New requirement to use a Class 1 sound level meter.
Measurement Procedure
The field calibration check now has a specific criteria, stating that pre and post calibration that exceed 0.5dB should be treated with caution.
Weather conditions are required to be monitored in more detail at each measurement location including, wind speed/direction, rainfall, temperature, oktas. There is the requirement for meteorological stations at long term monitoring positions.
Specific Sound Level
The night time reference time interval has been increased to 15 minutes.
Background Sound Level
An emphasis on representative background sound levels is required, an approach of a statistical analysis is presented to ascertain the most commonly occurring values.
Rating Level
Significant alterations have been made to this section which include the introduction of 3 methods to analyse the acoustic features of the specific sound level. Which are the subjective method, the objective method for tonality and the reference method.
A new section has been added with requirement of uncertainty to be assessed for measured values and within calculation.
Assessment of Impacts
An emphasis is presented on the requirement for context within the assessment of impact.
The noise criteria has changed to the following:
Typically, the greater this difference, the greater the magnitude of the impact.
A difference of around +10 dB or more is likely to be an indication of a significant adverse impact, depending on the context.
A difference of around +5 dB is likely to be an indication of an adverse impact, depending on the context.
The lower the rating level is relative to the measured background sound level, the less likely it is that the specific sound source will have an adverse impact or a significant adverse impact. Where the rating level does not exceed the background sound level, this is an indication of the specific sound source having a low impact, depending on the context.
The factors affecting context are outlined and summarised below:
Take consideration for the use of absolute levels for sensitive or complex scenarios.
Take consideration for the character of the residual sound and specific sound, analysing the prominence of the specific sound level and whether it presents an incongruous sound by comparison to the acoustic environment.
The sensitivity of the receptor.
Table 3.1 – Summary of Key Changes to BS4142:2014
4.0 Critical Analysis and Evaluation
4.1 Scope
4.1.1 Critical Review and Analysis
The scope of the standard has been increased by the alteration of the title and the listed applications in the initial section 1.1. The 1997 edition was titled specifically in relation to industrial noise, however the 2014 version is sound of an industrial and/or commercial nature with no clarification being provided as to the definition of commercial sound. It is assumed that this is in line with the extension to scope in section 1.1 of associated industrial sound such as, sound from loading and unloading goods and mobile plant. The title has also removed the term ‘affecting mixed residential and commercial areas’, it could be argued that this is increasing the general application of the standard as it is not explicit in the type of receptors, however alongside the extension in scope this is unlikely.
Section 1.1 has more detail and provides clarification on the appropriate applications for the standard to specific scenarios, compared with the vague section within the 1997 edition. Section 1.2 largely remains the same, however there is the addition of applying the standard to assess sound at proposed new dwellings or premises for residential purposes. This has the potential for areas of land that are prime for residential development not being utilised due to the proximity of industrial noise sources. Mitigation can easily be implemented to reduce internal noise levels for residential dwellings, however external amenity will be more challenging to achieve. This may lead to a further increase in the population being over exposed to noise or, in relation to National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE), this may lead to ineffective use of land through reliance on mitigation through distance separation. The 1997 version does not state this as an appropriate application, even though the standard BS8233: 2014 – Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction in buildings refers to the application of BS4142 as an appropriate method of analysing industrial noise at new residential premises.
Section 1.3 is a new section to the 2014 edition, which provides clarification as to sources that the standard is not applicable to, including:
The passage of vehicles on public roads and railway systems
recreational activities, including all forms of motorsport;
Music and other entertainment;
Shooting grounds;
Construction and demolition;
domestic animals;
Public address systems for speech; and
Other sources falling within the scopes of other standards or guidance.
Indoor sound levels arising from sound levels outside, or the assessment of indoor sound levels.
The standard is not applicable to the assessment of low frequency noise.
The IOA consultation response on the extension of scope stated;
“Additional detail in the standard is welcomed e.g. clarification of its scope and the reinforcement of use of the typical background, because it will help ensure practitioners carry out thorough noise investigations that yield sensible results”. (IOA 2014)
Further to this they go on to say:
“The IOA agrees that clearly defining the scope of the standard is important. Disagreements over the scope and possible misapplication of the standard have been a known problem for many years.” (IOA 2014)
This point clarifies the use of BS4142:1997 in a more general application, this is due to the purposeful vagueness of the standard. As outlined in the foreword;
“The standard is necessarily general in character and may not cover all situations.” (BSI 1997)
As stated by the IOA there is a known misapplication of the standard, however this was due to it being general in nature and easily applicable to other scenarios. Especially in the light of there being no appropriate method or substantive research into methods of analysing or the associated criteria of impact for certain sources, such as domestic animals. The extension to scope should provide appropriate guidance in outlining the misapplication of the 2014 edition.
4.1.2 Evaluation & Discussion of the effect on the assessment
The extension to scope provides increased clarification as to the appropriate application of the standard, the alteration has no quantifiable effect on the rating level. The purpose of the alteration is to avoid misapplication of the standard to inappropriate sources of noise. The misapplication of the standard is likely to continue, as it provides a known and practised method of assessing noise sources. Further to this the criteria of the rating level being below (-10dB) the background sound level, in most cases, provides a good indication for low impact. This is because it is widely accepted that if a source of noise is 10dB below another source it is of low significance, or inaudible dependant on the frequency and characteristics of the sound. If the standard is misapplied the author will be required to provide appropriate justification as to why the method has been used. Refining the focus of the standard is likely to improve the application for its intended purpose which is beneficial in relation to attaining reasonable results from the assessment procedure, thus improving the validity of the assessment.
4.2 Terms and Definitions
4.2.1 Critical Review and Analysis
The 2014 edition has applied the use of the term ‘sound’ instead of ‘noise’. This amendment is explained in the foreword;
“Sound can be measured by a sound level meter or other measuring system. Noise is related to a human response and is routinely described as unwanted sound or is considered undesirable or disruptive.” (BSI 2014)
The Wilson Report defined noise as “Sound which is undesired by the recipient”. (HMSO 1963)
The introduction of the term sound is a small amendment, but as explained above, it is an inappropriate definition due to the negative connotation of the term noise, as per its definition;
“A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance”.
The use of the term noise assumes, prior to the result of the assessment, that the noise/sound being assessed is ‘loud’, ‘unpleasant’ or ‘causes disturbance’, which is an assumptive term. However, the use of the term ‘noise’ is an apt descriptor as in most cases the purpose of a noise/sound assessment for planning purpose has been justified by either complaints received by a Local Authority, which is characterising the sound as unpleasant to the complainant. Or the analysis of an Environmental Protection Officer providing justification of potential effect on amenity, through an intrusive, unpleasant or disturbing noise. The IOA provided comment on the alteration during the consultation;
“The draft standard makes a distinction between sound and noise, it is unclear whether this is warranted or of any particular use in the application of the standard. Our members had mixed views on this. However, it is possible to imply from the draft that a sound cannot be a noise until it is rated adversely using the standard, which seems incorrect. The wording should be clarified in the final version.” (IOA 2014)
4.2.2 Evaluation & Discussion of the effect on the assessment
The alteration to the term ‘noise’ and ‘sound’ is a minor alteration and will have no effect on the assessment.
4.3 Preparation
4.3.1 Critical Review and Analysis
This section of the 2014 edition is new and is aimed at providing an emphasis on context within the investigation. It states the assessor should “gain a sufficient understanding of the situation”, this being in the form of an appraisal. This section is introducing the requirement for ‘proportionate analysis’, which in principle is allowing the assessor to provide a subjective analysis of the scenario based on the assessor’s opinion on the likelihood of impact and present a level of analysis proportionate to the expected level of impact. This will allow each scenario to be analysed in more detail, ensuring that appropriate justification is provided for assessment methods, such as, which sources are being analysed, measurement location and quantity, duration and timing of measurements. This will allow the uncertainty of a given scenario to be reduced and the accuracy of the assessment to be increased.
However, the allowance for a subjective approach in any technical assessment will allow for an increase in uncertainty from assessor to assessor. It is assumed in all scenarios the assessor will be appropriately qualified to carry out the assessment. The emphasis in subjective assessment will be on professional judgement and the qualifications and experience of assessors, both of which could vary significantly. Not just from an academic/experience perspective but from a social aspect, for example the assessor may have experience of the effect on his/her amenity from a specific source. This could allow for a positive or negative impact on the assessment based on their experience rather than the context of the scenario. The presence of a subjective analysis is however supported by the advice presented within the Institute of Environmental Managements (IEMA) – Guidelines for Environmental Noise Impact Assessments;
“It must be remembered that the effects of noise are primarily subjective, and while it is desirable to include as much objectivity as possible into the assessment process in order to obtain consistency, there should be no concern in allowing professional judgement to come in the final analysis.” (IEMA 2014)
Further to this a study was carried out by Esta Rahno, on ‘How to assess objectively the effects of noise, when it is subjective?’ in his studies he emphasises that the perception of sound is profoundly subjective and surmises with the following statement;
“If noise is a subjective perception, then how is it possible to assess it objectively and mitigate road traffic noise impact on people? (Rahno, E)
This highlights the challenges in the assessment of sound and the likelihood of it presenting a potential negative impact on amenity.
This also emphasises the requirement for not having the assessment of impact criteria, such as, in the 1997 edition, as follows;
A difference of around +10 dB or more indicates that complaints are likely.
A difference of around + 5 dB is of marginal significance.
If the rating level is more than 10 dB below the measured background noise level then this is a positive indication that complaints are unlikely.
These criteria present a scale of impact which is objective and finite and is not applicable to the likelihood of complaints in the majority scenarios. The 2014 edition sets the criteria of ‘low impact’ when the rating level is below the background sound level, when considering the context. Thus allowing more flexibility from the author in the assessment. Because in some scenarios the context would allow the rating level to be marginally below the background sound level, and in other scenarios the rating level would have to be significantly below the rating level.
4.3.2 Evaluation & Discussion of the effect on the assessment
The following hypothetical example is provided to outline the importance of context; an area with a particular high background sound level could have industrial plant introduced that is +5dB above the background sound level. If there is no subjective assessment or consideration for context, then the assessment could be completed outlining there is ‘marginal significance’ which is, from a planning permission perspective, deemed satisfactory in accordance with BS4142:1997 and Local Authority guidance. However the assessment needs to take consideration for the introduction of sources in high risk/high noise environments (context), where slight increases in noise level will begin to present a considerable effect on amenity in the area. The justification for this is based on context and the subjective nature of the level of impact not being acceptably processed by an objective method of analysis. The application of context was first implied in the Wilson report which explained that it is well known that the actual loudness of a noise is not, by itself, a measure of whether it will give rise to annoyance or complaint. The reaction of the hearer is affected, for example, by the kind of noise, by the general level of noise already existing, by whether the hearer has become accustomed to it (HMSO 1963). The introduction of preparation and context aligns with the new assessment criteria which provides a simpler and more approachable assessment of impact from a contextual perspective.
The introduction of context does present an emphasis on the qualification and experience of the author. The use of context to allow the author to reduce or increase the level of impact is a precarious notion and will provide a wide scope for speculation between authors and reviewers. However it is agreed that a subjective assessment is essential, as when one is attempting to ‘quantify’ a human response, a human response is required to gauge it. Further research is required into the human response to industrial noise, with the aim to avoid speculation within subjective assessments and provide an appropriate objective method of assessment. The introduction of context will require each assessment to provide a more in-depth study in to the site to ensure the context of the site is appropriately considered. This will reduce the uncertainty of the assessment and improve the accuracy. This will impact on the result of the assessment, however this is not quantifiable, instead it will in turn be analysed from the application of the standard and the cumulated experience of the assessors over the coming years. When the focus is aimed at the qualification and experience of the author, which is requested to be outlined in reports within the new edition, this then presents the question; what is an appropriate level of qualification and experience? And how does one judge this? This could be an appropriate level of professional membership, however any professional membership can be brought in to doubt if the content of the report is brought into question. The same can be applied to qualifications. A solution to this is to provide a ‘BS4142 accreditation’ which an author will have to achieve to be able to be deemed ‘appropriately qualified’ to carry out an assessment. This type of system would significantly improve the quality and veracity of assessments and would provide a trustworthy platform for judgements to be made.
4.4 Instrumentation
4.4.1 Critical Review and Analysis
The requirement for the use of Class 1 sound level meters that comply with BS EN 61672 -1, for free field application. Filters that comply with BS EN 61260, Class 1, and sound calibrators that comply with BS EN 60942, Class 1. The 1997 edition required the use of, Type 2 or better conforming to BS EN 60804, for the monitoring of equivalent continuous noise level and required the use of, Type 2 or better of BS EN 60651.
The difference in Class 1 and Class 2 sound level meters is primarily characterised by the tolerances of the equipment and its components. All the components within a sound level meter have a tolerance from their centre point, these tolerances add up to provide a tolerance for the sound level meter. These variations dictate the accuracy of the equipment which ultimately allows the meter to be classified. The degree of tolerance is the difference between the classifications, for example the tolerance limits attributed to frequency weighting are defined by BS EN 61672 – 1. At the reference frequency of 1kHz, the tolerance limits for Class 1 are +/- 1.1dB and for Class 2 are +/-1.4dB. These tolerances increase towards the lower and upper ends of the spectrum, with deviation of +/-2.5dB and +/-3.5dB, for Class 1 and Class 2 respectively at 20kHz (BSI 2013).
4.4.2 Evaluation & Discussion of the effect on the assessment
The change in equipment specification allows an improved accuracy and thus a decreased uncertainty in measurements. This reduction in uncertainty will subsequently increase the accuracy of the assessment.
4.5 Measurement Procedure
4.5.1 Field Calibration Critical Review and Analysis
The 2014 edition has introduced a more detailed criteria for field calibration checks. The 1997 edition stated ‘check the sensitivity of the measurement equipment before and after measurements. Record the results of such tests’. This did not present or insinuate a scale of acceptability and was vague, it was assumed the assessor would raise concern if the post calibration was significantly varied from the pre calibration, however this is not explicit. The 2014 version has introduced a deviation criteria for measurements where a pre and post calibration with a deviation that exceeds 0.5dB should be treated with caution. Further to this it states; ‘where the drift is 1dB or more, the measurement chain ought to be fully investigated as this will have an effect on the veracity of the data’.
The reason for field calibration is that it provides you with knowledge and evidence of how your equipment measures and increases the reliability that your equipment is working correctly. According to the International Laboratory Accreditation Company (ILAC) the purpose of calibration is:
To know the uncertainty that can be achieved with the measuring instrument
To confirm whether or not there has been any alteration of the measuring instrument that could create doubt about the results.
To improve the estimation of the deviation between a reference value and the value obtained using a measurement instrument, as well as the uncertainty in this deviation, at the time the instrument is actually used. (ILAC 2007)
The potential for calibration drift is dependent on both the equipment and environmental conditions. The equipment will have a higher likelihood of drift dependent on the level of use, for example if it is used extensively the calibration drift is likely to increase due to component degradation over time. The environmental conditions, such as temperature, moisture and vibration, are also likely to give rise to increased calibration drift. Evaluation & Discussion of the effect on the assessment
The impact this is likely to have on assessments may require the repetition of long term monitoring or reduce the frequency that long term monitoring is carried out. This is because the main contributing factor to calibration drift is long term monitoring. If the equipment is kept in a good state of repair and used within the manufacturer’s specifications the likelihood of calibration drift due to equipment degradation is low. However, the likelihood of drift during long term monitoring is high due to the period of time that the equipment will be most exposed to harmful environmental conditions such as temperature fluctuations and precipitation. If the use of long term monitoring is reduced this will reduce the accuracy of the background sound survey carried out because the quantity of data to provide a ‘typical’ background sound level is significantly lower. However the control over the environment from the assessor being present to note potential adverse impact on the background survey improves accuracy.
The use of a scale of calibration will only improve the accuracy of the assessment, as the level of uncertainty will be reduced.
4.5.2 Weather Conditions Critical Review and Analysis
The requirement for detailed documentation of numerous weather parameters has been introduced in the 2014 edition. The 1997 edition simply stated the following:
“Record the weather conditions prevailing during all measurements.” (BSI 1997)
The standard goes onto to state that weather conditions can affect noise levels by influencing sound propagation or generating noise which can be pertinent to the assessment and more than one assessment may be appropriate.
Challenges in Monitoring Construction Noise
Monitoring construction noise poses unique challenges due to the dynamic nature of construction sites and the varying types of noise generated. Some of the key challenges include:
1. Site Variability: Construction sites are dynamic, with different phases and activities occurring at different times. Monitoring equipment must be flexible enough to capture noise variations throughout the construction process.
2. Noise Source Identification: Construction noise can emanate from multiple sources simultaneously, making it challenging to identify and measure individual noise contributions accurately. Specialized monitoring techniques and equipment are required to differentiate noise sources effectively.
3. Ambient Noise Interference: Construction sites are often located in urban areas with existing background noise. Isolating and measuring the specific noise generated by construction activities amidst the surrounding ambient noise can be a complex task.
A construction noise and vibration impact assessment and construction noise management plan can assist with planning any noise and vibration monitoring requirements you have.
Section 61: Regulating Construction Noise
To address the adverse effects of construction noise on communities, many jurisdictions have implemented regulations and guidelines. Section 61 (or similar regulations) typically outlines permissible noise limits, construction hours, and mitigation measures for construction sites. These regulations often require construction companies to undertake environmental noise monitoring and maintain records to ensure compliance.
Key Provisions of Section 61. Section 61, or equivalent regulations, typically include the following provisions:
1. Permissible Noise Levels: Defines the maximum allowable noise levels during specific time periods, such as daytime, evening, and nighttime, to protect the well-being of nearby residents.
2. Construction Hours: Specifies the permitted construction hours to minimize disturbances during sensitive periods, such as nighttime or weekends.
3. Mitigation Measures: Outlines the steps that construction companies must take to mitigate noise, such as using noise barriers, employing quieter equipment, or implementing best practices for noise control.
4. Monitoring and Reporting: Requires construction companies to conduct regular noise monitoring using calibrated equipment and maintain records of noise levels to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.
Environmental noise monitoring, particularly in the context of construction noise, is crucial for ensuring the well-being of communities and maintaining a sustainable urban environment. By adhering to regulations like Section 61, construction companies can play an active role in reducing noise pollution, implementing mitigation measures, and promoting harmonious coexistence with neighboring communities. With effective monitoring, enforcement, and collaboration between regulatory bodies, construction companies, and communities, we can create a healthier and more peaceful living environment for everyone.
We provide Noise, Vibration and Dust Monitoring services to ensure you are demonstrating compliance with the relevant regulations.
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We work with contractors to assess the suitability of any proposed on-site works and to provide guidance and support to reduce noise and vibration at the neighbouring receptors.